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At TacoPie.com, we're always on the lookout for the hottest & freshest hardcore Latina babe content available to bring to our members. Our members areas are absolutely packed with both high-resolution photos and DVD quality videos for your enjoyment. Plus, when you join TacoPie.com, you gain access to our entire network of hot, hardcore, premium websites, page after page of premium video feeds and channels, live cams and much much more!
Length: 26m 41s Formats: wmv, flash, zip
Patricia is a cutey from Brazil who loves sex. Infact, she can't get enough hard, latin cock! Her tight pussy and ass are about to get wrecked by two lucky latin boys! This video inside the member's area is available @ full-screen resolution in wmv, flash and a convenient zip file for you to save straight to your hard drive!
Length: 26m 52s Formats: wmv, flash, zip
Monica Mattos is an absolutely stunning latina babe with an appetite for hard dick. She gets a double dose of hot latin spunk when she opens all her holes wide for these two fuckers! You won't want to miss the creamy finish to this video. It's available in it's full-length, high-quality format inside the member's area right now!
Length: 29m 44s Formats: wmv, flash, zip
Camila has one of the tightest, cutest little tacos we've ever seen in all the years this site has been up. Her appetite for hard dick is only matched by her appetite for hot creamy jizz! At first, she's not really sure that she can take on both these latin studs, but once she's warmed up, she takes both cocks in every hole like a fucking champ!
Length: 26m 28s Formats: wmv, flash, zip
Gabrielle Volpe is a hot latin babe who loves the feeling of two huge cocks rammed up inside of her. She says, "It's such a turn on being with two hung guys. I can feel their cocks pushing against each other through my inner walls! That shit drives me over the edge and I just can't control myself!" We can't control ourselves either Gabrielle...don't feel bad.
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